Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Variations on a Theme

The other day, Claire brought up Bullitt as proper training inspiration.

Today, my suggestion is "Le Mans." It is at least worth one good session on the rollers... if you are inclined to ride indoors this weekend while the temps bounce below zero. 100+ minutes of vary little dialogue and plenty of auto racing. Actual auto racing with left turns, hairpins, chicanes, and the like with no stuntmen or CG. One of the best movie lines ever as well:

"When you're racing, it's life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting."

Posted by ShoZu


claire said...

Yesterday I watched "Tears of the Black Tiger", which is a Thai western, gangster, romeo&juliet, Tarantino sort of flick. Crazy at is sounds.

I'm going to have to check out Le Mans!

The Shed Master said...

I stared at the carpet.

Tim said...

Dude, you really are taking training for the WEMS too far. You don't have to practice Le Mans starts indoors, unless you're running from the kitchen to the living room, that's what, 50 strides for you?

SquidBuzz said...

Yup, good one.