Thursday, January 15, 2009

Catch up, or Fresh Tracks at Last.

I truly despise people who put weekly summaries on their blogs... so here is mine.

We hit the swap last weekend and were in good company. I came home with more money cash than I took, and kept the expenditures to a minimum.

It was nice to see that the posenger scene is alive and well in Mad town. You couldn't swing a skinny ass chick in that place without hitting one. Just to test the theory, we brought one with us. And we bought this guy to swing said chick. It was ugly to say the least. Some dude got knocked clean out of his vintage Members Only jacket. Did anyone happen to see how many floor waxers were parked out front?

Also, we took in a show and imposed on the hospitality of others. Madison has pretty cool roller derby league, but it was a bit upscale for my liking. This is more like it.

First tracks came Monday night on the commute home. A little pow, the right tunes, and the familiar rumble of studded Kendas at about 40lbs were my companions. Sometimes winter commuting has it's upside.

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